Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Julie Jordan
The plantation is a buzz as the family gathers around to celebrate the sixty-fifth birthday of Daddy. The mood is somber, despite the festivities, as the knowledge that Big Daddy is dying slowly makes the rounds. In a last ditch effort to secure her place in the family and save her marriage to the favorite son, Brick, Maggie desperately wants to give Big Daddy a grandchild. Brick, however won’t cooperate in Maggie’s plans and prefers to stay in mild alcoholic haze the entire length of his visit. Maggie’s plight to pull Brick up from his downward spiral and secure their inheritance brings to light unexpected demons which threaten to rip apart the family forever.
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
- Maggie
- Colette Thomas*‡
- Brick
- Carter Bratton*†ƒ‡
- Big Daddy
- Dan Britt*†ƒ‡
- Big Momma
- Anne Wrider †‡
- Gooper
- Glenn Schaich †‡
- Mae
- Ashley Hail †‡
- Dr Baugh
- Joe Ward †‡
- Rev Tooker
- Ray Lebowski †‡
- Director
- Julie Jordanƒ
- Producer
- Elaine Volker
- Stage Manager
- Abby Doench
- Technical Director
- John Netzley
- Costumes
- Gretchen Rooseƒ
- Lighting Design
- Tom Fox
- Light Execution
- Tom Fox
- Lobby Display
- Abby Doench, Amy Hamilton
- Program
- Ray Persing
- Original Show Art
- Brandon Flaig
- Photography
- Andrew Doench
- Props
- —
- Publicity
- Gretchen Roose, Brandon Flaig, Elaine Volker
- Set Design
- Tony Doenchƒ
- Master Carpenter
- Tony Doench
- Sound Design
- David Levy
- Sound Execution
- Jeremy Stevenson
- Tickets/Box Office
- Gretchen Roose
* Orchid Award winner – ACT Cincinnati
† Orchid Award winner Excellence in Ensemble – ACT Cincinnati
ƒ OCTA Award of Outstanding – Southwest Regional
ƒ OCTA Award of Excellence – Southwest Regional
ƒ OCTA Award of Merit – Southwest Regional
‡ OCTA Outstanding in Ensemble – Southwest Regional