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Auditions Announced for AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE at The Drama Workshop

The Drama Workshop and director Tom Peters are pleased to announce auditions for AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. This production is a regional premiere of a new adaptation of the Henrik Ibsen’s classic play, updated for a modern audience for the Goodman Theatre in Chicago by Tony Award winning director and writer, Robert Falls. The play remains eerily prescient and current.

When a water contamination crisis puts their community in peril, two brothers, one a doctor and the other is the town’s mayor, face off in a battle of political ambitions and moral integrity. Nearly 150 years after Ibsen’s masterpiece first thrilled audiences, it “is startling how current the play’s ideas feel” (The New York Times) and remains “a play so necessary, exhilarating to experience” (The Village Voice).

This show will be performed October 3-19, 2025 at The Glenmore Playhouse.

Audition sessions will be held:
Sunday March 23, 2025 from 5:30-8pm
Monday March 24, 2025 fro 6:30-8pm

Auditions will be held at The Glenmore Playhouse. 3716 Glenmore Ave. Cheviot OH 45211.

Please sign up for a time slot here:

The auditions will consist of cold readings and audition sides. If you have questions or want to see the audition sides in advance, you may contact the director, Tom Peters at

Bring a resume and headshot to the auditions.


Dr. Thomas Stockmann – Medical Officer of the Municipal Baths

Katherine Stockmann – Dr. Stockman’s wife (Step-Mother to Petra)

Peter Stockmann – Mayor of the Town (Dr. Stockmann’s brother)

Petra – (Dr. Stockmann’s daughter) a teacher

Hovstad – editor of the local newspaper (could be cast in any gender)

Billing – assistant editor of the local newspaper (could be cast in any gender)

Aslaksen – a printer (could be cast in any gender)

Morten Kiil – Mrs. Stockmann’s adoptive father

Townspeople – a large number of supernumeraries desired. All will have small lines (both scripted and ad-libbed). Limited rehearsal time needed, but these extras play an important role. They will be placed in vacant seats throughout the theatre and become a riotous mob.


Please email the director at if you have further questions.

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