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Auditions Announced for My Three Angels at The Drama Workshop

📣 Auditions Announced 📣 for My Three Angels at The Drama Workshop

The Drama Workshop and director Dennis Murphy are pleased to announce auditions for My Three Angels by Samuel Spewack and Bella Spewack based on La Cuisine Des Anges by Albert Husson.


Sunday Aug 4th 6:30-8:30pm, Monday Aug 5th 7-9pm.


Auditions will be held at The Drama Workshop located at 3716 Glenmore Ave.

Note: If you are interested but unable to attend auditions, please contact our producers to make other arrangements. Producer contact information listed below.

Synopsis: The scene is French Guiana, a region where on Christmas day the temperature has graciously dropped to 104 degrees. Three convicts are employed as roofers by a family, whose roof is in desperate need of maintenance. On the way from France is an evil-minded cousin, to oust the father of the family from his business, and his cold-blooded nephew, who is jilting the father’s daughter for an heiress. The three convicts—two of them murderers, the third a swindler—take the visitors on. All three have warm hearts and are passionate believers in true justice. Possessing every criminal art and penal grace, they set matters right and in doing so redeem themselves as real life angels to the grateful family.

📣 Please sign up for a time slot here:

Audition Requirements: Please bring a headshot and resume, and your conflicts from August through December. An audition form will be emailed to those who sign up. You will be emailed the sides ahead of time so you can be prepared. Auditions will consist of readings from the script. Callbacks will be held on August 7th, 7-9pm if needed. All cast members are required to be up-to-date with Covid-19 vaccinations before rehearsals start.

🎭 Character Breakdown: listed ages are approximate stage ages

Felix Ducotel – (M 35-55) An honest man, kind to a fault, who has no guile and is easily pushed around. He is very formal, and insists on wearing a business suit in the tropical heat for propriety’s sake. Married to Emilie, father to Marie Louise.

Emilie Ducotel – (F 35-55+) Felix’s wife. Marie Louise’s mother. The glue of the family, frustrated by her husband but still very much in love with him. She is the anchor of the family and really ought to be running the shop.

Marie Louise Ducotel – (F 18-25) Daughter of Felix and Emilie. A young girl in all regards, she tends towards the dramatic, but she has a good heart. Madly in (and out of) love with Paul.

Mme. Parole – (F 40+) An overbearing patron of the shop, talkative and verging on the uncouth. She does not care to pay her tab at the shop.

Joseph – (M 30+) Convict #3011. A natural-born salesman, he could sell ice to penguins. Imaginative and a smooth-talker. Loves selling and making deals.

Jules – (M 30+) Convict #6817. A romantic soul, he is perhaps the most “normal” of the convicts. He loves creature comforts and does his best to make the Ducotel’s Christmas a happy one.

Alfred – (M 25+) Convict #4707 – The youngest and most immature of the convicts, he’s the muscle of the crew, and easily the most dangerous. He keeps a pet snake, and he has an eye for Marie Louise.

Henri Trochard – (M 35+) Felix’s cousin by marriage. A man with little kindness in his heart, he sees everything, including love, in terms of profit margin.

Paul – (M 18-25) Henri’s son. In love with Marie Louise, but unwilling to cross his father over the matter. At the end of the day, he is much more like his father than he realizes.

Lieutenant – (M 18-25) A handsome naval officer with a letter of introduction to Felix. Tired after a long night’s work. (Basically a walk-on role at the end of the play.)

Production Dates: Performances run 3 weekends from December 6th through Dec 22nd, 2024. There are a total of 10 performances. Friday 8pm, Saturday 8pm, Sunday 2pm each weekend, with a Thursday 7:30pm performance the final weekend.

Rehearsal Plan: Rehearsals will be planned around actors availability.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact producers Dane Rogers and Sarah Hoback at

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